Tuesday, January 19, 2016

PhD Grants in Germany (Apply by 19 February 2016)

The Graduate School “Society and Culture in Motion” (GS SCM) offers grants for Ph.D. students and also for junior researchers at the Postdoc level. For the time being, Ph.D. grants are at EUR 1050/month and Postdoc grants at EUR 2000/month.
For applicants outside the Schengen Area, the School offers assistance in obtaining visas. Travel expenses for those individuals coming to Germany (in order to take conduct research in Halle) can be paid for.
The Graduate School “Society and Culture in Motion” (SCM), Halle (Germany) announces the following openings:
4 grants for Ph.D. students (EUR 1050/month) for 24 months with the possibility of a 12 month extension
Applications must be received (not postmarked) by February 19th, 2016
Beginning: April 1st, 2016

Ph.D. Grant Descriptions

The guiding subject matter of SCM is the study of the motion and transformation of ideas, artifacts, and models in space, time and between social fields. New technological,  political, judicial, as well as economic frameworks have increasingly  trans-local and quite often global meanings due to their translations into local contexts. GS SCM aims to devise concepts that allow for the description of these  translation processes, paying particular attention to creative  strategies of adaption, transformation and redeployment of travelling  epistemic or normative elements. Thus, we aim to understand the  reflexive and stimulating potentials in experiences with unfamiliar  cultural or social orders.
Consequently, our primary concern goes beyond the migration of people  as an economic and political process in order to focus on the  challenges and chances that symbolic and normative elements in motion  bring about.
From this perspective, we expect interdisciplinary research projects  on aspects of creative resistance, adaptation and camouflage that can be  identified as forms of translation of travelling ideas and models. The  focus could be on historical and social as well as transdisciplinary  movements.

Central research topic for the granted projects

Estrangement as a learning process:Experiences – Institutions – Reflecting Strategies
Estrangement is a topic intensively discussed in public within the context of contemporary global migration. It is also prominent in academic discourses such as sociology, ethnology, economics, law, philosophy, literary and educational sciences, among others. SCM has conducted extensive research on the topic and strives to connect its research progress with real world practices and issues, thereby generating a context in which to apply its innovative results.
SCM proposes  to analyze estrangement as a contradictory, yet productive learning  process in which epistemic, symbolic or politically non-integrated elements encounter a given order. Its scope encompasses constellations which initially appear to be enigmatic and require categorical and social re-organization as well as (self-)reflexive learning processes in order to be integrated into existing orders. Within this frame-work, SCM invites research projects that explore potentially fruitful ways of dealing with strange-/otherness in the sciences, legal systems as well as public discourses, thus disclosing opportunities for social re-organization and integration in existing societal constellations.

Who can apply for a Ph.D. stipend?

Potential Ph.D. students must hold an MA degree (equivalent to the German MA) in social sciences or humanities, or an equivalent degree entitling the holder to take up Ph.D. studies in Germany. In order to fully participate in and take advantage of the GS SCM’s activities, continuous presence of the students in Halle is required. Applications must include the following documents:
  • Cover letter
  • Copy of M.A. certificate (English or German)
  • Transcript of Records (if available)
  • CV
  • Outline of a research proposal together with project timeline (3000 – 5000 words). This proposal should relate to the general topic “Estrangement as a learning process” (see above for a description of the central research topic). Furthermore, we ask that you include details of your research progress (if any) up to the time of application.
  • Letter of recommendation written by an academic supervisor from the previous university.
  • Proof of adequate knowledge of English (if a non-native speaker).

What we offer Ph.D.s

  • Trans-disciplinary seminars and workshops on various subjects.
  • Presentations and talks by visiting scholars.
  • Workshops related to key skills training.
  • A framework for discussing dissertation projects.
  • In addition to the grants, the GS SCM offers additional financial support forgrantees with children.
  • The GS SCM can also contribute to field work expenses (if applicable).  If this kind of support is required, then it should be stated and explained in the research proposal.
The GS SCM programme is not only directed at the GS SCM grantees; a number of other Ph.D. students and junior researchers are continuously taking part in the programme.
While the working language of the GSSCM is English, we nevertheless request that students acquire a working knowledge of German (for everyday communication as well as reading skills in scholarly literature). German language instruction is available through the university.

What is expected from participating Ph.D. students?

  • We expect a sustained effort in the Ph.D. work, together with
  • a willingness to actively take part in the GS SCM schooling programme. This involves giving presentations and papers at the trans-disciplinary seminars, workshops, as well as on other occasions
  • a general interest in methodological and epistemological enquiries.
  • Successful completion of the degree (Ph.D.) takes place according to the guidelines and regulations of the corresponding faculty.
Please send complete applications as shown on the SCM website:
and/or by ordinary mail to:
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Graduate School “Society and Culture in Motion”
Reichardtstr. 6
D-06114 Halle/Saale

Saturday, January 9, 2016

PhD Scholarships in Giessen University in Gernany 2016

Do you want to pursue a PhD studies in Germany? Here is a good opportunity!
Giessen University’s International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture (GCSC), cofunded by the German federal government’s Excellence Initiative, offers a three-year, structured PhD-programme in the study of culture. With its excellent research environment, a doctoral programme which is tailored to the needs of PhD students and the intensive personal support it provides, the Graduate Centre offers doctoral researchers optimum conditions for their PhD-projects and custom-made preparation for the time thereafter, both with regard to academic and non-academic careers.
The GCSC invites applications for one of the 13 PhD scholarships availablewhich are funded by the Excellence Initiative as well as Justus Liebig University Giessen.
The PhD scholarship period starts on October 1, 2016 and includes a monthly stipend of approximately €1,468 (plus family allowances when applicable). Scholarships are offered for one year with the possibility of two extensions, each of one year. The GCSC supports young researchers with families: appointees with children under the age of twelve are eligible for renewals of up to four years.
Acceptance of a scholarship requires participation in the study programme and wide-ranging events offered by the GCSC, as well as active involvement in at least one Research Area and one other GCSC/GGK research group. Doctoral members of the GCSC must register as PhD students at the Justus Liebig University. There are no tuition fees for doctoral students at the JLU, except for an enrolment fee of approximately €300 per semester. All scholarship holders are expected to assume residency in or near Giessen.
The GCSC expects scholarship holders to:
  • Pursue a dissertation project that contributes to the GCSC’s research profile* and can be supervised at the Justus Liebig University,
  • Actively participate in one of the GCSC’s research areas* by initiating, coordinating and documenting collaborative research projects, such as conferences or publications,
  • Participate in the GCSC’s curriculum.
The GCSC offers a research-intensive environment and comprehensive, multi-tier supervision at all stages of a dissertation project via, e.g. interdisciplinary research colloquia and professional support in preparing academic papers and conferences. The GCSC Teaching Centre offers systematic qualification in higher education teaching; opportunities to teach at the BA level are available.
Eligibility: We invite applications from students who graduated with excellent marks (from twoyear research-track master’s programmes in one of the GCSC’s academic subjects* or  the arts/humanities, cultural studies or social sciences no longer than two years ago as well as from students who expect to obtain a first or upper second class honours M.A. degree (or the equivalent).
The GCSC encourages applications which make a significant contribution to the study of culture in various historical contexts, including contemporary phenomena. An international research perspective, i.e. international study experience, is an advantage.
The GCSC’s working languages are German and English, and applicants must be fluent in at least one of them; knowledge of both is an advantage and should be acquired during the scholarship period.
The GCSC focuses its research within the following Research Areas*: Research Area 1: Cultural Memory Studies | Research Area 2: Cultural Narratologies | Research Area 3: Cultural Transformation and Performativity Studies | Research Area 4: Visual and Material Culture Studies | Research Area 5: Media and Multiliteracy Studies | Research Area 6: Cultural Identities | Research Area 7: Global Studies and Politics of Space | Research Area 8: Cultures of Knowledge, Research and Education.
In addition, the GCSC has established research groups organized around “emerging topics” that are expected to contribute to the research profile by establishing and strengthening links to neighbouring disciplines as well as to emerging topics in contemporary public discourse. Thus far, Emerging Topic Groups have been established on “Ecology”, “Migration” and “Religion”

Application procedure and deadline:

The main selection criteria are the candidates’ academic qualifications, the academic quality of the research proposal and the suitability of the project for the GCSC’s research programme. Short-listed candidates will be invited to a 30-minute interview.
The application deadline is February 2, 2016. All applications (including an application form and further documents as stated on the GCSC website) have to be submitted online. Please find all information about the two-stage application procedure on our website at http://gcsc.uni-giessen.de/application
If you have any questions concerning your application, please contact us at gcscapplication@uni-giessen.de. On January 13, 2016, the GCSC will host an Information Day at the Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture (GCSC), Justus Liebig University Giessen, Alter Steinbacher Weg 38, 35394 Giessen. The Information Day gives potential applicants the opportunity to meet the faculty and students involved in the doctoral programme. You will also have a chance to obtain more information on the research areas and academic objectives of the GCSC; the wide range of interdisciplinary courses, colloquia and conferences; the research support on offer; international networks and partner institutions; as well as publishing and additional funding opportunities available to GCSC members. To register for the Information Day, please visit our website (starting December 1st).
*) See http://gcsc.uni-giessen.de and http://gcsc.uni-giessen.de/research for further information.